Friday, February 11, 2011

if God will move heaven and earth just to bring two destined people together, I believe he will do just the same to bring two people apart who are not made for each other” –me (02,10,11)

I’ve been staring blankly at this monitor for 30 minutes now, hoping for black smudges of typed-written letters to magically appear but we both know that’s bullshit ‘til I start pressing some keys. Before I start with the main blog proper, I just want to thank that thought at the very top of this blog post if it wasn’t for that thought I may have raised the white flag and went to sleep instead of me typing these words.

So my topic for this blog post is about BREAK-UPS; how to handle them and what to do next after the “worst emotional day” of your life. If you’re about to ask me if the things I’m about to say here are based on my experience, no it’s not. And if you’re going to ask if I ever experienced one, yes I did. If you’re starting to wonder how it happened to me, it’s no longer relevant.

So, how do you handle a break-up? People nowadays mistakenly perceive break up as the end of their world, when in fact science and even simple logic can prove them wrong. SOME (when I say some, it means NOT MORE BUT ONLY FEW IN NUMBER) men take it as a lightly because they’re one again free from the tight (when I say tight, it does mean T.I.G.H.T) grip of their lovers. Some men take it very serious, sometimes way too serious, because they think they know they are never going to find someone who will share with them the most wonderful times of their lives. People, generally, MOURN for the partners they broke up with which is just SO WRONG.

So am I trying to say that it is wrong to mourn over a break up? YES! HELL YES! Why? Because people who experience a break up just escaped someone who were not made for them! If two people were made for each other, it’s a synchronization of two hearts that even adversities or even trials won’t break it apart. Break up is fate’s (or God’s) way of not letting you live someone who was not made for you to love forever. If God will move heaven and earth just to bring two destined people together, I believe he will do just the same to bring two people apart who were not made for each other. So celebrate and be merry! Do not mourn for the loss of someone you just broke up with, you just managed to escape a lifetime of misery and unhappiness! Forget about the good times you spent; as long as time continues to tick, there will always be an opportunity for better times!

So, what’s next after the break up? Obviously, a lot of things will change but the only way to make things better than it was, before the break up, is create a NEW life (this has a HUGE difference to reproduction) when I say new life, it means to break off an old identity to pave way for a new one. Be new, be fresh, be someone better so that you’re better half may pass your way. Do not worry about when your destined half will will come for surely you were destined for one. Do not look for the right one, but BE the right one!

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